拓市场专题 | 默克尔访华传递重要信号!出口德国贸易合同“小技巧”请查收

2019-09-16 14:25:40


拓市场专题 | 默克尔访华传递重要信号!出口德国贸易合同“小技巧”请查收(图1)


拓市场专题 | 默克尔访华传递重要信号!出口德国贸易合同“小技巧”请查收(图2)









Retention of Title

Extended Retention of Title (Erweiterter Eigentumsvorbehalt)
All supplied goods remain the seller's property (reserved property) until the buyer has paid all outstanding amounts resulting from their business relationships.         
Transformation Clause (Verarbeitungsklausel)
With regard to processing or manufacturing of the supplied goods, the seller shall be deemed to be manufacturer within the meaning of § 950 BGB (German Civil Code) without committing him in any way. The processed or manufactured goods shall be regarded too as reserved property within the meaning of the above said conditions. If the buyer manufactures, combines or mixes the supplied goods with other goods, the seller shall obtain co-ownership in the new goods in proportion to the invoiced price of the supplied goods to the invoiced price of the goods of the other sellers.
If, by such converting of goods, the seller's ownership expires, the buyer herewith transfers to the seller any rights which the buyer will have in the new stock or goods in proportion of the invoiced price of the supplied goods, and the buyer will keep them in safe custody free of charge for the seller. The seller's co-ownership rights shall be regarded as reserved property within the meaning of the above-said conditions.
Prolonged Retention of Title
(Verlängerter Eigentumsvorbehalt)
The buyer may resell the goods only within the normal course of his business and only as   long as he is not in default of payment. The buyer shall not be entitled to dispose of these   goods in any other way.
The buyer hereby assigns to the seller any claims resulting from the resale of these goods. Such claims shall serve as the seller's security to the same extent as the goods itself. In the case of resale of goods in which the seller has co-ownership rights (e. g. Transformation Clause), the assignment shall be limited to the part which corresponds to the seller's co-ownership rights.
